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Rest assured that you're getting the best replacement window parts as we carry all AmesburyTruth OEM hardware, which is made in the USA using only high quality material. Superior quality means energy efficiency and cost savings for you. You also get peace of mind with high-end locks and window components designed with security in mind.
With the hundreds of combinations of parts, it can be difficult to find the right part to suit your needs. If you're really having trouble determining what part is for you, consider taking several high-quality, up-close digital pictures of your setup and email them to us at
Also please see the colours and finishes chart to assist you with your colour choice.
Additionally, our manufacturer has this to say in order to assist you in making the right purchase:
1. Refer to AmesburyTruth Product Catalogue for product identification only.
2. Products are segmented by window or door
3. Once you've identified the type of window or door find the picture that best represents the product you are trying to replace.
4. Each time you select an area you will be provided more detail on the product until you reach our detailed section of our product catalog.
Here you can view a Google photo gallery of all our parts. Hint: when viewing an individual product, click the "More Info" button on the right-hand side to see the "filename" — that is the part number.
Choose A Product Category Below To Start Your Part Search Now.
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